Tuesday, September 4, 2012

My Beliefs about Technology and Learning

I think that as we progress into the Educational Society we will come across more advance technology. It's obvious that technology is rapidly getting more and more convenient. Take the Apple iPhone for example. Newer versions seem to come out quicker than I can even follow. I do believe it is important for students to learn how to navigate certain aspects WITHOUT technology, such as doing math without a calculator or finding the definition of a word using a dictionary. We, as human beings, can catch certain things that computers cannot. With that being said, if we are not taught to navigate without technology, we are better off in the long run. However, as I've mentioned, technology is advancing faster than we can say PEANUT BUTTER AND JELLY as we enter into the future. It's very important to know how to navigate technology inside and outside of learning facilities to keep our knowledge up-to-date. I also believe that new technology really can help us learn. A prime example is my laptop; it's been a godsend as far as learnings concerned. It facilitates research and writing etc. CONCLUDING THIS SUBJECT MATTER: I believe Technology goes a long way with Learning. Technology is important for learning. And learning about technology is ideal for the years to come.


  1. i agree with you on the importance of students learning how to navigate certain aspects without technology.

  2. I agree completely. Students need to know how to do things without computers or technology. I believe sometimes computers can be misleading, so I always turn to books.

  3. I agree with you. We need to teach kids how to learn without technology, but technology does help with some aspects of learning.

  4. I agree with you on how important technology will be in the future classroom. ipads and kindles are being added to the classroom. My cousin who's in seventh grade has textbooks on the kindle that the school provides for the year.

  5. I didn't see any grammar errors. I agree that cursive still needs to be taught in schools, but more and more today we use computers for everything and technology in the classrooms will help prepare students for the work force.

  6. I definitely agree students have to learn how to do things, both with and without technology. But I believe technology can play a role in teaching kids how to do things without technology, like using a smart board can enhance a math lesson.
